Instance-Crash Recovery
Crash recovery or
instance recovery is the automatic recovery of the database by the oracle
server , without any intervention by the DBA. For example, if a power outage
brings down your database instance , when the power supply resumes,you only
need to restart the database instance.
The oracle server
will use the informaton saved in the onlineredo log files to synchronize the
datafiles.Instance recovery involves the following two key operations:
Rolling forward:During
this operation,the oracle server will update all datafiles with the information
from the redo log files.The online redo log-files are always written to before
the data is recorded in the datafiles. Thus an instance recovery may usually
leave the online log files "ahead" of the data-files.
Rolling back:During
this operation, uncommitted changes that were added to the datafiles the
roll-forward operation are rolled back.Oracle does this by using the undo
tablespace contents to return uncommitted changes to return uncommitted changes
to their original states.At the end of rollback stage only committed data at
the end of time of instance failure is retained in the datafiles.
rollforward process , the database server must apply all transactions between
the last checkpoint and the end of redo log.You use the parameter
fast_start_mttr_target to specify the number of seconds you want the crash
recovery to take.Oracle will try to recover the instance as close as possible
to the time that you specify for the fast_start_mttr_target parameter.Maximum
value of this parameter is 3600 seconds (one hr).
Media Recovery is Required or Not ?
When you start
your database, Oracle uses the SCN information in the control files and
datafile headers to determine which one of the following will occur:
Starting up normally
Performing crash recovery
Determining that media recovery is required
On start-up,
Oracle checks the instance thread status to determine whether crash recovery is
required. When the database is open for normal operations, the thread status is
OPEN. When Oracle is shut down normally (normal, immediate, or transactional),
a checkpoint takes place, and the instance thread status is set to CLOSED.
When your instance
abnormally terminates (such as from a shutdown abort command), the thread
status remains OPEN because Oracle didn’t get a chance to update the status to
CLOSED. On start-up, when Oracle detects that an instance thread was abnormally
left open, the system monitor process will automatically perform crash
recovery. This query demonstrates how a single instance of Oracle would
determine whether crash recovery is required:
a.THREAD#, b.open_mode,
((b.open_mode='MOUNTED') AND (a.status='OPEN')) THEN 'Crash Recovery req.'
((b.open_mode='MOUNTED') AND (a.status='CLOSED')) THEN 'No Crash Rec. req.'
WHEN ((b.open_mode='READ
WRITE') AND (a.status='OPEN')) THEN 'Inst. already open'
ELSE 'huh?'
FROM v$thread a,
v$database b,
v$instance c
Oracle will start
up normally if the SCN information in the control files matches the SCNs in the
corresponding datafiles. If the checkpoint SCN in the datafile is less than the
corresponding SCN in the control file, Oracle will throw a media recovery error.
For example, if you restored a datafile from backup, Oracle would detect that
the SCN in the datafile is less than the corresponding SCN in the control file.
Therefore, a recovery is required to apply changes to the datafile to catch it
up to the SCN in the control file.
The following SQL query demonstrates the internal checks
that Oracle performs to determine whether media recovery is required:
WHEN ((a.checkpoint_change#
- b.checkpoint_change#) = 0) THEN 'Startup Normal'
WHEN ((a.checkpoint_change#
- b.checkpoint_change#) > 0) THEN 'Media Recovery'
WHEN ((a.checkpoint_change#
- b.checkpoint_change#) < 0) THEN 'Old Control File'
ELSE 'what the ?'
WHEN ((a.checkpoint_change#
- b.checkpoint_change#) = 0) THEN 'No action Required'
WHEN ((a.checkpoint_change#
- b.checkpoint_change#) > 0) THEN 'Perform Media Recovery'
WHEN ((a.checkpoint_change#
- b.checkpoint_change#) < 0) THEN 'Restore a newer control file'
ELSE 'what the ?'
FROM v$datafile a, --
control file SCN for datafile
v$datafile_header b --
datafile header SCN
---The V$DATAFILE_HEADER view uses the physical datafile
on disk as its source.
The V$DATAFILE view uses the control file as its source.
Determining how to restore and recover:
You just experienced a media failure,
and you’re not sure what commands you’ll need to restore and recover your
To be able to perform a complete
recovery, all of the following conditions need to be true:
database is in archivelog mode.
have a good baseline backup of your database.
have any required redo that has been generated since the backup (archived redo
log files, online redo log files, or incremental backups that RMAN can use for
recovery instead of applying redo).
There are a wide variety of restore
and recovery scenarios. How you restore and recover depends directly on your
backup strategy and what files have been damaged. Listed next are the general
steps to follow when facing a media failure:
what files need to be restored.
on the damage, set your database mode to nomount, mount, or open.
Use the restore command to retrieve files
from RMAN backups.
Use the recover command for datafiles
requiring recovery.
Open your database.
When faced with a media failure, you
need to have a good understanding of your backup strategy and how that will
enable you to restore and recover your database. You should periodically test
your backups so that you can confidently recover your database when faced with
a media failure. When you architect your backup strategy, you should also
architect a corresponding restore and recovery strategy. A sound backup
strategy should minimize the risk of you losing data and minimize the downtime
of your database.
We also recommend querying the data
dictionary for more information. The V$DATAFILE_ HEADER view derives its
information from the datafile headers and reports in the ERROR and RECOVER
columns any potential problems. For example, a YES or null value in the RECOVER
column indicates that you have a problem:
SQL> select file#, status,
error,recover from v$datafile_header;
---------- -------
------------------------- ---
The V$RECOVER_FILE reads from
the control file and displays information about files needing media recovery:
SQL> select file#, error from
---------- -------------------------
Backups Needed for Restore
you perform a restore and recovery, you would like to view which backups will
be required for the restore operation.
the restore ... preview command to query the RMAN repository for the most recent backup
sets and corresponding files that will be used for a restore operation. Three restore ... preview modes
are available:
Normal --- Similar to list backup command
Summarized – output in summary format.
RMAN> restore database preview
This command does not check to see whether the RMAN
backup files physically exist or that they are accessible.
Integrity of Backups
You need to perform a restore and
recovery, but first you want to validate only that the backup pieces are
available and structurally sound before you actually restore any datafiles.
You can use either the restore ...
validate or validate command to verify the availability and integrity of backup
pieces required by RMAN to perform the restore operation. These commands do not
restore datafiles. You can additionally specify the check logical clause to
instruct RMAN to check for logical corruption.
Restore database validate
Verify integrity of backups (Physical
By default RMAN checks only for physical
corruption when validating. Physical corruption is when the block contents
don't match the physical format that oracle expects.
Restore database validate check logical
To check for logical corruption using RMAN
Logical corruption is when the block is in
correct format but the contents aren't consistent with what oracle
expects.Same info will be reflected in alert.log file &
v$database_block_corruption view.RMAN cannot recover logical corrupt
blocks.To recover logically corrupt blocks restore the datafile from a backup
and perform media recovery.When rman can't find a backup piece or detects
corruption it will issue a "failover to previous backup" message
and automatically searches for a previously taken backup abnd will stop when
it finds a good backup or untill it has searched through all known backups
without finding a good one
Media Recovery
You need to perform a database recovery,
but you suspect one of your archived redo log files is bad. You want to perform
a test to see whether all of the redo is available and can be applied.
The recover ... test command instructs
Oracle to apply the redo necessary to perform recovery but does not make the
changes permanent in the datafiles. When you recover in test mode, Oracle
applies the required redo but rolls back the changes at the end of the process.
This example starts up the database in mount mode, restores the entire database,
and then does a test recovery:
RMAN> connect target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database test;
Here is a partial snippet of the
output showing that the test recovery was successful:
ORA-10574: Test recovery did not
corrupt any data block
ORA-10573: Test recover tested redo
from change 847960 to 848243
ORA-10570: Test recovery complete
You can test a recovery with most
recover commands. Here are some examples:
RMAN> recover tablespace users,
tools test;
RMAN> recover datafile 1 test;
recover database test
You want to perform a database recovery,but
you suspect one of your archived redo log files is bad .You want to perform a
test to see whether all of the redo is available and can be applied.
This command instructs oracle to apply the
redo necessary to recover but does not make the changes permanent in the
datafiles.When you recover in test mode,Oracle applies the required redo but
rollbacks the changes at the end of the process.
If you’re missing archived redo log
files or online redo log files that are needed for recovery, you’ll receive a
message similar to this:
ORA-06053: unable to perform media recovery because of
missing log
In Oracle Database 10g and lower,
the syntax recover ... test allow n corruption does not work from within RMAN.
If you want to run the test command with the allow n corruption clause, then
youmust issue that command from inside SQL*Plus, as shown here:
SQL> connect sys/muft as sysdba
SQL> recover
tablespace system test allow 5 corruption;
When using the recover ... test allow
n corruption command, you can specify integers greater than 1 for n. If you are
using recover ... allow n corruption (and not using the test command), then n
can be 1 only.
Lost all datafiles
but still have all your online redo log files:
Perform Database-Level complete recovery
with current control file.
Perform Database-level Complete recovery
with backed by control file.
You must first put your database in mount mode to perform
a database-wide restore and recovery.This is because the system tablespace
datafile(s) must be offline when beign restored and recovered.Oracle won’t
allow you to operate your database in open mode with the system datafile
1. Perform
Database-Level complete recovery with current control file:
RMAN>connect target /
RMAN>Startup Mount;
RMAN>Restore database;
RMAN>Recover database;
RMAN>Alter database open;
2. Perform
Database Level Complete recovery with backed by control file
RMAN> Connect target /
RMAN> Startup mount
RMAN> Restore control file from autpbackup
RMAN> Alter database mount
RMAN> Restore database
RMAN> Recover database
RMAN> Alter database open resetlogs;
You are required to open your database with the open resetlogs
command anytime you use a backup control file during a recovery operation.
All datafiles of a tablespace goes missing !!
What to do ?
You are seeing a media error assosiated with
several datafiles cotained in one tablespace.You want to perform a tablespace
level recovery:
Scenario 1: Database is open
and you want to perform tablespace-level recovery:
RMAN >connect target /
RMAN>SQL ‘alter tablespace data_ts offline
immediate’ ;
RMAN>restore tablespace data_ts;
RMAN>recover tablespace data_ts;
RMAN>SQL ‘Alter tablespace data_ts
Scenario 2: Database is down or
mounted and you want to perform tablespace-recovery:
RMAN >Connect target /
RMAN>startup mount
RMAN>restore tablespace data_ts;
RMAN>recover tablespace data_ts;
RMAN>alter database open;
You lost a particular Datafile.How to
recover!! ?
You have one datafile that has experienced
media failure and you want to restore and recover it without restoring the
entire tablespace or database.
Scenarion 1: Datafile recovery
while database is open
RMAN>Connect target /
RMAN>SQL ‘Alter database datafile 3,4
RMAN>Restore datafile 3,4 ;
RMAN>Recover datafile 3,4;
RMAN>Alter database datafile 3,4 online;
Scenarion 2: Datafile recovery
while database is not open.
RMAN>Connect target /
RMAN>Startup mount
RMAN>Restore datafile 1 ;
RMAN>Recover datafile 1;
RMAN>Alter database open;
Restore datafiles to a non-default location
You have just experienced a serious media
failure and won't be able to restore datafiles to their original locations.In
other words you need to restore to a non default location.
Use the set
newname and switch commands to restore datafiles to nondefault locations.Both
these commands will run from within RMAN run {} block.The below example changes
the location of datafiles 4 and 5,which are in the data_ts tablespace.
RMAN>connect target /
RMAN>startup mount
RMAN> run{
> set newname for datafile 4 to
> set newname for datafile 5 to
>restore tablespace data_ts;
>switch datafile all #Updates repository
with new datafile location
>recover tablespace data_ts;
>alter database open;
If the database is
open you can place the datafile offline and then set their new names for
restore and recovery:
RMAN> run{
>SQL 'Alter database datafile 4,5
> set newname for datafile 4 to
> set newname for datafile 5 to
>restore datafile 4,5;
>switch datafile all # Updates repository with new datafile
>recover tablespace data_ts;
> SQL 'Alter database datafile 4,5 online;
database check readonly
default,the restore command skips the datafile assosiated with read-only
If you
want read-only tablespaces restored,then you must use the check readonly
command or explicitily restore each read-only tablespace.
Tempfile Tablespaces:
with oracle database 10g,you don't have to restore or re-create missing
locally managed temporary tablespace tempfiles.
When you
open your database for use,Oracle automatically detects and re-creates
locally managed temporary tablespace tempfiles using the information in
control files.When Oracle automatically re-created a temp tablespace , it
will log a message to you target database alert.log file similar to the
following: "Re-Creating tempfile <location of temp files>
tablespace force; restore database force;
Use the
force command to restore datafile and archived redo log files even if they
already exist in a location
command forces RMAN to restore files even if RMAN to restore files, even if
RMAN determines that they don't need to be restored.
Restoring from an Older Backup
want to specifically instruct RMAN to restore from a backup set that is older
than the last backup that was taken.
can restore an older backup a couple of different ways: using a tag name or
using the restore ... until command.
Specify a Tag Name
the list backup to find the tag name of the backup set. Every backup set has a
tag name, either the default or one you specified. For example, here’s the
partial output of a list backup command that shows the desired tag name:
Key: 159 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: MON_BACK
you’ve identified the tag, you can instruct RMAN to use that as follows:
startup mount;
restore database from tag MON_BACK;
recover database;
alter database open;
Using restore ...
can also tell RMAN to restore datafiles from a point in the past using the until clause
of the restore
command in one of the following ways:
Until SCN
Until sequence
Until restore point
Until time
recipe uses the restore ... until command with the recover command to perform
complete recovery. If you need to perform an incomplete recovery, then you will
need to use the recover ... until command (not just the recover command by
itself). Incomplete recoveries use recover until in conjunction with the restore
... until command.
If you know the SCN
in a backup piece that
you want to restore from, you can specify the SCN as follows:
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until SCN
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Or if you know the log
sequence number that you want to restore up to, the syntax is as follows:
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until
sequence 17;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open
If you’ve created
restore points, then you can also use the restore point name as follows:
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until
restore point FRI_RS;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
You can also specify
a point in time from which you want RMAN to restore an older backup. This example instructs
RMAN to retrieve the first backup it finds that is more than 10 days old:
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until time
'sysdate – 10';
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Here we’re
specifically instructing RMAN to restore from a date and time. Since we don’t
instruct RMAN to recover to a point in time, this example will perform a
complete recovery:
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until time
"to_date('05-oct-2006 14:00:00', dd-mon-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')";
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
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