create or replace function tsdiff(ts1 in timestamp, ts2 in timestamp, units in varchar2)
/* units - l=millisecond s=second, m=minute, h=hour, d=day */
return number
diff interval day(9) to second(9) := ts1 - ts2;
return (
extract(day from diff)*24*60*60
+ extract(hour from diff)*60*60
+ extract(minute from diff)*60
+ extract(second from diff)
) / case (lower(units))
when 'l' then 1/1000
when 's' then 1
when 'm' then 60
when 'h' then 60*60
when 'd' then 24*60*60
/* units - l=millisecond s=second, m=minute, h=hour, d=day */
return number
diff interval day(9) to second(9) := ts1 - ts2;
return (
extract(day from diff)*24*60*60
+ extract(hour from diff)*60*60
+ extract(minute from diff)*60
+ extract(second from diff)
) / case (lower(units))
when 'l' then 1/1000
when 's' then 1
when 'm' then 60
when 'h' then 60*60
when 'd' then 24*60*60
Jadwal Pertandingan Ayam SV388 7 Maret 2019 - Minggu, Ujung Pandang 10 Maret 2019 – Pada Hari Tersebut Akan Di Laksanakan Berbagai Pertandingan Sabung Ayam Secara Live di Arena Sabung Ayam Thailand.
ReplyDeleteSitus Judi Sabung Ayam Online SV388 Merupakan Situs Judi Asal Thailand Yang Sangat Terkenal Dengan Permainan Sabung Ayam Yang Fair dan Menghibur Para Penonton Judi Sabung Ayam.
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